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The French Alps ski specialist

Ski Club of Great Britain; 120 years on

image Friday, 02, February, 2024

For a country with very few ski resorts of our own, Great Britain is known for loving skiing... we even have the largest ski club in the world! The Ski Club of Great Britain has been around since 1903, and continues to adapt and evolve, maintaining the core aims that the club was founded with, 120 years on. 

These main aims were (and continue to be): 

  • Encourage other people to learn how to ski 

  • Help their members to improve and take enjoyment from the sport

  • Bringing together people interested in the sport

At the time, ski lifts and ski gear as you know them today were unknown to many, and in 1905 the Ski Club began publishing the British Ski Year Book, effectively the club’s magazine. The early year books are a fascinating record of the changes in equipment, clothes, the development of ski lifts, the technique of skiing, costs and holidays over the years. Before WW1, the club’s focus was cross-country skiing – this evolved later with the inclusion of the Ladies Ski Club and Kandahar Ski Club, with a focus on racing, and later on, alpine skiing. 

Fast forward quite a few years, in the winter season of 1995/96 the Ski Club launched – the first ever winter sports website! This website, after a few revamps, continues to be one of the leading winter sports websites in the world – with 120 years’ experience, we aren’t surprised!  

The club now has a membership of 30,000 keen skiers and snowboarders – from all over the world! Which is why we’re happy to announce our exclusive discount for our clients:  

Peak Retreats clients get a discount with Ski Club – book a ski holiday with us and get 25% off your first year's member on individual standard and family standard  memberships. Mention this offer at the time of booking, and we’ll give you the code to access the discount!  

You find out more details about each eligible membership on the Ski Club website.

If you're interested in the Ski Club, and fancy receiving 25% off your first year's membership, get in contact with our French Alps specialists on

023 9283 9310 or send an email at to get started with your next ski holiday booking!

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