Hidden Gems
While we think it’s hard to underrate any resort in the French Alps, many skiers overlook some of the unspoilt, traditional hidden gems.
As well as first-class accommodation, stunning scenery and a warm welcome, these intimate resorts have access to huge snowsure ski areas with slopes for everyone.
Many of our resorts are hidden gems, we've picked a few below but do call our team to discover more.
SamoënsGrand Massif
Val CenisMaurienne Valley
Les Carroz d'ArachesGrand Massif
Sainte FoyTarentaise
Areches-BeaufortMont Blanc & Chamonix
AussoisMaurienne Valley
ValloireMaurienne Valley
St Nicolas de VeroceMont Blanc & Chamonix
Le Grand BornandAravis-Annecy Mountains
Les 7 LauxIsère
Les ContaminesEvasion Mont Blanc